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Arena® Simulation Software allows you to create Business Process Models, arming you with the intelligence needed to help reduce costs, measure performance, and optimize your business operations.

Getting Started Package
20 hours of Consulting can be purchased with your initial Arena license subscription. These hours can be used to help get started with a project, conduct one on one training via Teams, or build logic. This add-on is only available upon initial purchase and is not renewable. Additional consulting hours and services can be purchased throughout the year by contacting us at Arena-Info@rockwellautomation.com.


ControlLogix Compute module is chassis-based module that let you communicate directly with a ControlLogix 5570 or ControlLogix 5580 controller via the system backplane and over a network. The module offers Red Hat Enterprise Linux as embedded operating system (OS) that lets you create custom applications.


使用 Connected Components Workbench™ 軟體平台簡化針對多個產業的單機機器開發。屬於 Integrated Architecture® 系統一部分的 Connected Components Workbench 軟體平台提供裝置組態、控制器程式設計與人機介面 (HMI) 編輯器整合。本軟體可幫助降低初始機器開發時間和成本。

Connected Components Workbench™ Standard Edition 軟體平台:通用、容易使用的 Rockwell Automation® 微控制系統配置和程式設計工具。包含 Micro800™ Simulator 試用版,不需啟動。包含標準技術支援。下載免費的 Standard Edition

Connected Components Workbench™ Developer Edition 軟體平台:標準以及其他功能,包括完整版的 Micro800™ Simulator 和 Archive Manager,以及多種 Micro800™ 控制器程式設計功能,可提升使用經驗。需要啟動。包含標準技術支援,並可選購 24 小時全天候支援。


Upgrade options for Embedded Edge Compute modules allow you to add more features to your FactoryTalk Optix application. Embedded Edge Compute upgrade entitlements can only be used on Embedded Edge Compute; entitlement will not be recognized on any other platform. Upgrade entitlements cannot be stacked; only one upgrade per module is allowed.


Emulate3D Ultimate 技術旨在為希望為其自動化解決方案產生高品質模型、對其操作執行準確分析並為其功能系統開展穩健控制測試的公司節省時間。從設計規劃到虛擬試運轉都使用它,並在同一軟體中同時支援模擬和仿效。


Emulate3D technology is designed to save time for companies wanting to produce high quality models of their automation solutions, perform accurate analyses of their operation, and create robust controls testing for their functioning systems. Use it from design planning through to virtual commissioning, with support for both Simulation and Emulation in the same software family.


FactoryTalk Analytics GuardianAI is an asset health monitoring application that runs at the edge. It leverages AI to provide predictive maintenance insights that help users reduce unplanned downtime and optimize maintenance planning.

FactoryTalk Analytics GuardianAI was designed with the maintenance engineer in mind. It uses data from the plant's existing variable frequency drives to monitor the behavior of plant assets such as pumps, fans, and blowers. When a deviation from normal operating behavior is detected, FactoryTalk Analytics GuardianAI will notify the user so maintenance can be planned to prevent an equipment failure. FactoryTalk Analytics GuardianAI provides premier integration with PowerFlex 755, 755T, and 6000T drives.


我們致力為客戶提供一貫最高水準的服務。此內容目前的前置時間較長,我們正在運用全球化的優先流程。請聯絡客戶支援部門取得更多的商業案例詳細資訊,以訂購此產品。FactoryTalk® Analytics™ LogixAI® 將分析和機器學習技術嵌入到 Logix 控制環境中。我們的專利建模演算法將自動化系統提升到了一個新的水準。預測分析致力於大幅減少廢料損失,實現更嚴格的品質管制,並大幅減少意外停機時間。

透過直覺式 PredictionBuilder 設定來配置 FactoryTalk® Analytics™ LogixAI® 模型,即可利用現有的自動化知識來整合機器學習能力和預測分析。在定義需要預測性見解的地方後,訓練 LogixAI 模型學習正常的操作行為,然後設定 LogixAI 模型以監控實際操作。進行監控時,該模型會計算預測性見解,以協助規避異常操作行為。此外,該 LogixAI 模型還可做為軟感測器使用,以利在難以操作的作業環境中實現更嚴格的控制。


FactoryTalk AssetCentre 為客戶的自動化資產和文檔提供了安全的版本控制和存檔。 集成審核和事件日誌提供了有關自動化系統內部更改的詳細資訊。 FactoryTalk AssetCentre 為羅克韋爾自動化和協力廠商資產提供支援, 使 FactoryTalk AssetCentre 集中式管理解決方案。 此外, FactoryTalk AssetCentre 可以從您的網路收集資產清單, 並為那些發現的羅克韋爾自動化資產提供集成的生命週期管理。 對於具有過程設備的客戶, FactoryTalk AssetCentre 允許設備配置和校準管理。


FactoryTalk Batch 可讓您在整個流程中應用一套控制和資訊系統,以提高生產能力和產品品質、節省能源和原材料,並減少流程變化和人為介入。其藉由支援靈活的生產能力和標準化的公司程序,同時加速產品和流程開發,讓您能夠開發現代化的批次控制策略。


FactoryTalk Batch Server 是 FactoryTalk Batch 元件,用於控制和協調系統資訊、階段和配方。FactoryTalk Batch Server 可整合與流程連接的裝置和第三方軟體套件。

FactoryTalk Batch View 提供一個現代化、直觀的入口網站,可進入全面的批次解決方案,達成有效的操作。FactoryTalk Batch View 利用自有的網路伺服器,使用 HTML5 技術,透過標準網頁瀏覽器技術提供原生的 FactoryTalk Batch 連線能力。


FactoryTalk CPGSuite is an MES solution designed specifically for the Consumer Packaged Goods industry. CPGSuite provides scalable, value-based applications to help you achieve operational excellence, increase the effectiveness of your supply chain, adhere to regulatory compliance guidelines, and meet your sustainability goals.

Functions include order management, batch configuration and execution and material management.


FactoryTalk DataMosaix is all about making data available, meaningful and useful and valuable. This edition is available for deployment in customer-managed infrastructure.

• Make data available - Extract data across the manufacturing floor and enterprise, OT and IT data.
• Make data meaningful - DataMosaix Private Cloud can help you contextualize your industrial data at scale to represent your operations.
• Make data useful - Through built in use cases, powerful charting functionality, open APIs and SDKs, and connectors to industry standard tools for dashboard, visualization and analysis.


FactoryTalk DataMosaix is all about making data available, meaningful and useful and valuable.

• Make data available - Extract data across the manufacturing floor and enterprise, OT, IT and ET (engineering) data.
• Make data meaningful - DataMosaix can automatically populate your industrial knowledge graph at scale to represent your operations.
• Make data useful - Through built in use cases, powerful charting functionality, open APIs and SDKs, and connectors to industry standard tools for dashboard, visualization and analysis.


FactoryTalk Design Studio is the latest design environment for the Logix platform of controllers. FactoryTalk Design Studio is a multi-controller and multi-user environment that includes the power of FTDS Copilot to assist you as you create your Logix applications.

FactoryTalk Design Studio harnesses the power of the FactoryTalk Hub cloud environment to bring an always updated, modern design environment. The environment is built to use the latest practices in software development like version control, AI copilot, multi-revision support, and multiple controllers in a single project.


FactoryTalk Energy Manager Private Cloud Edition is an industrial energy management and optimization solution that helps to improve energy awareness, reduce energy costs, and achieve sustainability goals. This offering leverages FactoryTalk DataMosaix Private Cloud Edition to enable contextualized analytics to monitor, analyze, and optimize energy performance. This edition is available for deployment in customer-managed infrastructure.

FactoryTalk Energy Manager is a cloud-enabled industrial energy management and optimization solution that helps to improve energy awareness, reduce energy costs, and achieve sustainability goals. This Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offering leverages FactoryTalk DataMosaix to enable contextualized analytics to monitor, analyze, and optimize energy performance across the enterprise.

FactoryTalk Historian Site Edition (SE) 具備資料基礎架構,可用來擷取改善製造營運所需的資訊。這是一套可擴充的軟體,專為滿足您對單台機器乃至全廠范围資料基礎架構的需求而設計。

使用 FactoryTalk Historian SE 作為提供即時生產和效能監控的基礎,或是作為企業範圍資料能見度和工廠基準化計畫的一部分。


FactoryTalk Linx Gateway 新增了 Classic OPC DA 和 OPC UA 伺服器介面,可將 FactoryTalk Linx 從 Logix 5000™ 和其他 Allen-Bradley® 控制器收集的資訊傳遞給外部 OPC 用戶端,以允許第三方軟體與 FactoryTalk® 軟體
共存 FactoryTalk Linx Gateway 是 FactoryTalk Linx 的 OPC UA / DA 伺服器介面。標籤容量和伺服器架構均可擴充。FactoryTalk Linx Gateway 使第三方軟體可以與 FactoryTalk 軟體共用資料。
FactoryTalk Linx 資料橋接器提供集中管理服務,以在自動化系統源頭之間移動資料,包括控制器、OPC-DA 伺服器或連線至 OPC UA 的伺服器端和硬體。資料橋接器可促進資料集中應用或使 Logix 控制器能夠與連線至 OPC UA 的設備進行間接交互。


我們的下一代控制器模擬器 FactoryTalk Logix Echo 能提升設計生產力,降低風險和減少整體專案成本。

憑藉 FactoryTalk Logix Echo,您可以驗證、測試和最佳化您的控制邏輯而無需實體硬體。您不僅可以同時進行設計和測試,而且還可以在設計仍然有彈性的情況下確定需要改進的地方。如果您正在使用操作員訓練課程軟體,請將其連接到您的模擬控制器,以利用軟體驅動的訓練課程系統。


FactoryTalk Metrics 提供資料,讓您以全新方式提升產量、降低成本並改善品質。該產品超越了傳統的整體設備效率 (OEE) 方法,回答了「為什麼」的問題,揭示了停機和損失的根本原因,幫助您真正提高製造資產的效率。從您現有的控制系統和人機介面中靈活設定資料收集可確保准確的資料和較短的獲利進程。


FactoryTalk Optix is a cloud-enabled HMI platform that enables design, test and deployment of applications directly from a web browser, connecting through FactoryTalk Hub. This modular platform delivers new options for design, deployment and graphics design, with extensibility options that make it flexible enough for any application.

FactoryTalk Optix is truly visualization for visionaries. An open, extensible architecture, along with responsive graphics, version control, C# scripting, remote application management, and full integration with the OPC UA specification make FactoryTalk Optix a solution flexible enough for any application. Develop projects with a local editor or with a web browser connected to FactoryTalk Hub, and purchase and deploy ""just enough"" to satisfy any application needs.


Efficiency in the manufacturing process is a crucial factor to reduce overall time to market. The ability to eliminate paperwork, reduce errors, and maintain high quality standards will increase the throughput of the plant. FactoryTalk PharmaSuite MES contributes through seamless integration from ERP to shop floor, real-time quality dashboards, and more.

FactoryTalk PharmaSuite Application starts with a base license. Extension licenses for functional modules as well as for design and operation users need to be added to achieve the required scope.


適用於工業設備端對端解決方案的遠端存取提供了安全地從遠端存取工業設備的連線。此解決方案需要訂閱 FactoryTalk® Remote Access 和採購 Stratix 4300 遠端存取路由器。


FactoryTalk SerializationSuite takes a holistic approach to product tracking and traceability. FT SerializationSuite is ideal for customers in industries like life sciences, food and beverage, and consumer packaged goods that are focused on complying with regulatory requirements and meeting consumer expectations in areas like product quality, safety, and sustainability.

FactoryTalk SerializationSuite consists of base application, aggregation extension, additional lines and additional clients.


FactoryTalk- Transaction Manager 提供了一個平台,可將控制系統的日常事務與企業系統連結起來。FactoryTalk Transaction Manager 支援直接來自控制系統的簡單單向資料記錄,以及由規則、排程和/或企業資料庫中的資料控制工廠的雙向系統。

FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Standard 必須在同一台電腦上擁有所有服務,但它可以連接到遠端資料庫和/或 OPC 伺服器(如果 OPC 供應商支援該選項。) 不包括資料庫。


FactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI 在一體式生產模型 (UPM) 中組織、關聯和規範化製造和生產流程以及業務系統的不同資料。然後,您能夠用日常語言來組織和呈現資訊,根據使用者在行動裝置或桌上型電腦上的需求來定製。

連接至任何通用的工廠控制系統裝置或系統。透過 FactoryTalk Live Data(Logix、PLC/SLC™、FactoryTalk View、第三方控制器等)實現與即時資料的卓越連線能力,透過 FactoryTalk Historian 實現與歷史資料的卓越連線能力,以及連線到 FactoryTalk Metrics、FactoryTalk ProductionCentre、FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix 和其他即時和歷史資料源。藉助我們的進階報告選項,使用 Microsoft Excel 和 SQL Server Reporting 等知名平台,建立和發布各種基於角色的企業報告。


FactoryTalk View Machine Edition (ME) Station 用於為單一電腦、單一使用者監控和控制建構機器層級人機介面軟體應用程式。

與 Logix 控制器的優質整合、可重複使用的圖形、全系統警報配置和管理以及行動性是 FactoryTalk View ME 提供的工具,可快速開發應用程式並輕鬆維護系統。



FactoryTalk View Machine Edition (ME) Station is used to build machine-level HMI software applications for single computer, single user monitoring and control.

Premier integration with Logix controllers, reusable graphics, system-wide alarm configuration and management, and mobility are tools provided by FactoryTalk View ME to quickly develop applications and easily maintain systems. Localized versions of this product are available as optional downloads from the PCDC (Product Compatibility and Download Center).


FactoryTalk View Site Edition (SE) 是用於監測和控制任意規模應用程式的人機介面軟體,從單一電腦、單一使用者站應用程式到分散式伺服器用戶端、多使用者應用程式。

FactoryTalk View SE 與 Logix 控制器、可重複使用的圖形、全系統警報配置和管理,以及行動性的優質整合,提供可快速開發應用程式、擴充架構並輕鬆維護系統的工具。有了 FactoryTalk View SE,人機介面在製程、批次和離散應用程式中挑戰會在單一軟體解決方案中進行管理,在您需要的時間和地點即時實現關鍵透明度。



KEPServer Enterprise 為許多供應商的工廠自動化設備提供通訊。FactoryTalk 視覺化和資訊軟體透過其 OPC DA 或 OPC UA 介面與 KEPServer 交互,允許其他供應商的設備與 Allen Bradley 設備在系統中共存。

KEPServer Enterprise 基於 PTC 的 KEPServerEX Manufacturing Suite。它提供了完整的驅動程式選項來選擇要存取的特定供應商通訊協定和硬體。KEPServer Enterprise 還利用 FactoryTalk Activation,並得到 Rockwell Automation 的支援。


Upgrade options for OptixPanel operator terminals allow you to add more features to your FactoryTalk Optix application or upgrade from FactoryTalk Remote Access Runtime Basic to FactoryTalk Remote Access Runtime Pro to extend access to devices on networks connected to an OptixPanel. OptixPanel upgrade entitlements can only be used on OptixPanel; entitlement will not be recognized on any other platform.


PlantPAx Analytics is a cloud-enabled solution that helps monitor critical alarm & event KPI data across one or multiple plants. This Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offering leverages FactoryTalk DataMosaix to enable contextualized analytics to monitor, analyze, & optimize industrial automation KPIs. Future version releases will include device information dashboards, operator activity logs, & more.


PlantPAx 是 Rockwell Automation 的 DCS(分散式控制系統)。PlantPAx 系統採用共同自動化平台,於廠房重要區域之間實現無縫整合。此現代化分散式控制系統 (DCS) 可將製程、離散、電力、資訊及安全控制連接至單一全廠基礎建設。
此軟體搭售套組為 PlantPAx DCS 系統的核心軟體提供永久授權。搭售套組旨在簡化組成 PlantPAx 系統的各種軟體啟動的管理。PlantPAx 系統 ID 連結到此搭售套組。


PlantPAx 是 Rockwell Automation 的 DCS(分散式控制系統)。PlantPAx 系統採用共同自動化平台,於廠房重要區域之間實現無縫整合。此現代化分散式控制系統 (DCS) 可將製程、離散、電力、資訊及安全控制連接至單一全廠基礎建設。
此軟體搭售套組為 PlantPAx DCS 系統的核心軟體提供永久授權。搭售套組旨在簡化組成 PlantPAx 系統的各種軟體啟動的管理。PlantPAx 系統 ID 連結到此搭售套組。


此軟體搭售套組為現有的正在現代化其系統的 Rockwell Automation 客戶提供了一個途徑,讓他們取得 PlantPAx 的最新版本,從 SystemID 功能中獲益。

PlantPAx 是 Rockwell Automation 的分散式控制系統 (DCS)。PlantPAx 系統採用共同自動化平台,於廠房重要區域之間實現無縫整合。此現代化分散式控制系統 (DCS) 可將製程、離散、電力、資訊及安全控制連接至單一全廠基礎建設。


Production Performance Monitoring is a Rockwell Automation solution that collects and delivers OEE, KPI and event data.

Must be used with FactoryTalk DataMosaix Private Cloud and FactoryTalk DataMosaix - Private Cloud Application Builder.


RASWin 風險評估軟體訂閱有助於管理安全生命週期中的進度。這提供了實施標準化安全性原則並正式記錄過程的能力。

RASWin 風險評估軟體訂閱的進展, 通過功能安全生命週期, 組織資訊從每個步驟的過程從風險評估, 通過最終的機器驗證。


RSLinx Classic 允許第三方軟體使用 OPC-DA 或動態資料交換介面從 Rockwell Automation 控制器存取資料。此軟體非常適合與較舊版軟體以及包含較舊版硬體和網路的系統一起使用。

RSLinx Classic 是一款可擴充的產品,根據連接單一控制器或多控制器、本機或遠端 OPC 用戶端介面的需求以及在不同工作站上的 RSLinx Classic 之間傳遞/橋接通訊的能力而購買。


RSLogix 500 是 1747 SLC 和 MicroLogix 控制器平台的設計和程式設計環境。該軟體產品基於控制器平台支援和程式設計能力進行擴展,以確保適合您的應用並發揮作用。

註:應在 Rockwell Automation 產品相容性和下載中心網站上查詢 RSLogix 500 及其支援的硬體,可以使用更現代的平台進行控制和程式設計。


SequenceManager™ 可為 Logix 控制器系列提供批次排序功能,帶來更接近製程的強大功能,並為成套系統設備、離線網路系統與單一設備控制開啟全新可能。SequenceManager 讓您在 Studio 5000 Logix Designer® 之內配置運算、執行 FactoryTalk® View SE 中的序列,並擷取與顯示批次結果。SequenceManager 能以有序的排序在 Logix 控制器內指導 PhaseManager™ 程式,實施製程導向任務,支援單一組件或多個獨立組件操作。由於使用工業標準的 ISA-88 方法,SequenceManager 支援強大而靈活的排序功能,可對排序製程進行最佳控制。SequenceManager 與 Rockwell 的重大批次管理系統 FactoryTalk Batch 整合,以為批次應用提供真正可擴充的產品組合。您可以利用 SequenceManager 快速而可靠地執行序列,並且降低單機組件與成套設備系統功能的基礎架構成本。

SequenceManager 事件用戶端將透過執行序列生成的事件資料從 Logix 控制器傳輸到歷史資料庫,以進行報告和分析。


應用程式代碼管理器是一種工程工具, 它通過利用高度可重用的庫來實現更高效的專案開發。您可以使用庫設計器創建自己的庫, 或者使用所提供的。 應用程式代碼管理器不僅創建 Logix, 而且還建立關聯的 FactoryTalk ViewSE 顯示、FactoryTalk 歷史學家標籤和 FactoryTalk 警報和事件 (FTAE) 內容。


工作室5000®環境將工程和設計項目集成到一個標準框架中, 從而實現了優化的生產率和縮短了調試時間。在工作室5000環境中, 您可以更快地回應不斷變化的市場和業務需求, 同時降低總體擁有成本, 包括維護和培訓。


工作室5000許可證門戶是一個安全、便於使用的 web 入口網站, 旨在管理內容保護許可證。它用於在工作室5000設計環境中配置原始程式碼和執行保護。 工作室5000許可證門戶允許使用者分配許可證、許可權和提供方便的報表服務。


FactoryTalk View SE, ThinManager and PinPoint together deliver a full visualization solution for production operations.

This software bundle provides everything you need to run a managed HMI visualization system. Included in the bundle is an HMI server with unlimited displays, client stations, managed thin client licenses, automated tag navigation licenses and unlimited browser-based HTML client connections.


FactoryTalk View SE, ThinManager and PinPoint together deliver a full visualization solution for production operations.

This software bundle provides everything you need to run a managed HMI visualization system. Included in the bundle is an HMI server with unlimited displays, client stations, managed thin client licenses, automated tag navigation licenses and unlimited browser-based HTML client connections.


ThinManager 是一個集中式裝置管理和內容交付平台。藉助 ThinManager,您可以為現代工廠和辦公室集中管理 Thin Client、行動裝置和 PC 等裝置,並為這些託管裝置定義和交付大量靈活的內容源。

無論工業環境的規模多大或設備數有多少,ThinManager 都能夠透過永續性可擴充平台發揮前所未有的控制與安全性。ThinManager 的 Thin Client 架構有助於部署較低成本的硬體,同時以一種降低管理和硬體成本同時提高安全性的形式為使用者提供熟悉的應用程式和工具。
